· Product: my HP Notebook - actu Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (bit) It says to turn on the wireless capability, but i don't know how to. I tried press F12but it doesnt work. The only way i can use internet it by connecting my netsetter to Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. Another way to enable WiFi is by pressing the “Fn” key and one of the function keys (F1-F12) at the same time to toggle wireless on and off. The specific key to use will vary by computer. Look for a small wireless icon as shown in the below example image of an F12 key. Most HP laptop models are fitted with a switch on the side or front of the computer than can be used to turn on the wireless functions. If not on the side or front, the switch may be above the keyboard or on one of the function keys at the top of the keyboard.
1) Disconnect the Battery Adapter then press hold the power button on Notebook for 30 seconds then turn on the unit and check if the Wireless light turns on. 2) Go to Device manager then uninstall the wireless drivers from Network Adapter and restart the unit and check if the light turns on. Most HP laptop models are fitted with a switch on the side or front of the computer than can be used to turn on the wireless functions. If not on the side or front, the switch may be above the keyboard or on one of the function keys at the top of the keyboard. Hold the power button for at least five seconds to turn off the computer. Turn on the computer and immediately press the F2 key repeatedly, about once every second. The HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) main menu is displayed. Select the "Component test" and then select "wireless module" from the list. Let me know if the test passes or not.
Restarting your HP laptop is no different from any other. Hit the Windows start button and select Restart. If it doesn't, you can always force it. This guide will walk through the quick steps on restarting your HP laptop, whether it's worki. HP printers are some of the best for home and office use. When problems occur, however, it can be frustrating troubleshooting cryptic errors. Fortunately, a few simple diagnostic steps can help you get your HP printer functioning again. In. If your HP laptop is experiencing issues, contacting customer support can help you solve the problem ASAP. Company personnel may tell you to send your device to the nearest HP Service Center for repairs. Why is this important?