How to use manual of focus dragon age awakening

Dragon Age: Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening can't use potions / manual of focus; Awakening can't use potions / manual of focus by g Go To. Answer HQ English; I can't drag/drop any awakening potions onto my hot bar and I can't use manual of focus on any toon, I've read that you use it like a potion but when I click it there is no use.  · Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. The Manual of Focus is a tome in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. These tomes will respecialize the Warden-Commander or a companion when used, effectively allowing for manual re-leveling and stat re-distribution from level 1. To use the manual, access it from your radial menu, on the potions tab.  · Accepted Answer. you need to fufill the conditions of: Haveing the character you want to respek in your party, Have the manual in your invitory, 80%(21).

For Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening on the Xbox , a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Manual of Focus?". Imported (from correct Origins save) a mage warden, lvl 22 (when I used the manual I was lvl 24). When using a Manual of Focus, I am missing 10! attribute points. I wrote down my values before use: From top to bottom (unequipped all things, all slots where empty, no clothing or weapons): 16,17,51,66,21, After using the manual I was missing. The Manual of Focus is a tome in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. These tomes will respecialize the Warden-Commander or a companion when used, effectively allowing for manual re-leveling and stat re-distribution from level 1. To use the manual, access it from your radial menu, on the potions tab. The tome is consumed upon use and there is no limit to the number of tomes a character can use.

Related to this, in Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, they have an item called the Manual of Focus, which can be purchased from Herren in the Vigil's Keep. 16 de mar. de Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is a full retail expansion pack for Players will have access to new tomes called "Manual of Focus" that. 2 de jan. de You could also use a Manual of Focus to remake your mage after doing the runes if you wanted to do that. The Runes are optional, but Focus.


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