· Steps: 1. Press “Windows Key + X.” 2. Select “Control Panel.” 3. Click on Programs and Features. 4. Right click on Daemon tools program then click Uninstall. 5. Follow the on screen instructions and restart the computer. · UPDATE: For Windows 10 users, plz refer to the below vid@ www.doorway.ru to uninstall the new version of DAEMON Tools . Go to the Control Panel, find Programs (or Apps Features, if you use Windows 10) section, find DAEMON Tools Lite in the list and click Uninstall/Change (or Uninstall, if you use Windows 10) button: Find DAEMON Tools Lite folder on your hard drive. The default folder is: " C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite ".
Go to the Control Panel, find Apps Features section. Find DAEMON Tools Ultra in the list and click Uninstall button: Find DAEMON Tools Ultra folder on your hard drive. The default folder is: C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Ultra. Execute "www.doorway.ru" file. No matter which way you have chosen, the next step is to click Uninstall button and wait until DAEMON Tools Ultra is being uninstalled. There are several ways to do it: Go to the Control Panel, and choose Programs and Features section there. Find DAEMON Tools Pro in the list and click Go to the installation folder of DAEMON Tools Pro and execute "www.doorway.ru" file. The default folder is: C:\Program Execute the setup file used. Go to the Control Panel, find Programs (or Apps Features, if you use Windows 10) section, find DAEMON Tools Lite in the list and click Uninstall/Change (or Uninstall, if you use Windows 10) button: Find DAEMON Tools Lite folder on your hard drive. The default folder is: " C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite ".
With the instructions below, you can completely remove and uninstallDAEMON Tools www.doorway.ru normal way1) Click Start, go to Add/Remove Programs within Control. 22 de jan. de With the help of this article, you will able to uninstall or remove or kick out all of those files also after uninstalling the daemon tools lite. At first let's open the Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a Program item and seek for the DAEMON Tools Lite menu element in the list of installed programs.