Below you'll find a list of race timing apps you can use to manually or semi-manually time your race. 7 listings found Sort by. Title A Z Title Z A Rating. Webscorer. Webscorer is a full-featured mobile timing solution, offering live results at a fraction of the cost of PC-based software. RaceClocker is a do-it-yourself tool for manual timing of sports races. Our app offers an easy and fast alternative to chip timing or stopwatches. If you're a coach or race manager and you don't use transponders then RaceClocker is an excellent solution for high quality timing of your race. Get Started. Kindle devices: Tap the “AppStore” icon and search for “Webscorer”. Windows devices: Tap the “AppStore” icon and search for “Webscorer”. Mac devices: Click on the “App Store” icon and search for “Webscorer”. The Webscorer PRO timing app is FREE to trial - .
Easy manual sports timing. RaceClocker is a do-it-yourself tool for manual timing of sports races. Our app offers an easy and fast alternative to chip timing or stopwatches. If you're a coach or race manager and you don't use transponders then RaceClocker is an excellent solution for high quality timing of your race. Get Started. b) By manually uploading a GPS file of the run. c) By manually entering the run time on the detail page (just click on “Edit + Info”, enter the time and save it. 2. confirm the race time. After successful upload to the system, this will be displayed graphically as follows. Set the time, select number of characters - and watch the race! A random winner each time! You can have up to 6 characters in each race - or Premium Members can have up to characters plus.
If the Samsung Galaxy S IV is the most anticipated Android smartphone of the year, Real Racing 3 must be its equivalent in the gaming world This is our new notification center. Inside, you will find updates on the most important things hap. Every day is a race against time. Thoughts on buying a dream home with my parents so they can maximize their lifestyles until the very end. Financial Samurai Slicing Through Money's Mysteries Updated: 08/20/ by Financial Samurai 91 Comm. Human race and a person’s ethnicity are often confused with one another. However, there is a big difference between these two. Race deals with the physical characteristics of a person or group of people. These include their bone structure.