· Household Warranties Manuals Binder. Organize. While I want to be an ‘all digital’ gal, I’m about 50/50 on utilizing paper vs electronic documents. There’s just some things that seem to be a little easier to store in a hard copy paper format. One of those things is all the warranties and manuals we have from our bigger household items. · Most equipment manuals and warranties are available in PDF format, meaning you can store them in an electronic database. There are many ways to do this, but again, it needs to be secure while also being accessible. A CMMS is a great way to organize user manuals and warranties by asset. · Keep the manual, warranty and receipt/ proof of purchase. Staple the warranty and receipt to the front of the manual. (For us Amazon Prime folks who don’t always get paper receipts, write down “Amazon” and month of purchase so that you can search through your orders in the www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 7 mins.
Keep the manual, warranty and receipt/ proof of purchase. Staple the warranty and receipt to the front of the manual. (For us Amazon Prime folks who don’t always get paper receipts, write down “Amazon” and month of purchase so that you can search through your orders in the future. Overwhelmed by piles of paper clutter? Watch my part paper clutter video series here: www.doorway.ru Mentioned I. Go online, find the PDF version and store it digitally wherever you save things (I prefer the cloud and Evernote is great because you can search and sort). Then recycle that paper copy. This also prevents the issues of “I can’t find it when I need it” and keeping a pile of user manuals in the home just adds to clutter I don’t need.
Feb Next I had to decide what paperwork to keep. While I could store every manual I've ever received, here's my litmus test: If the item stopped. Here's how I organize all of my warranties, manuals, and big-ticket (aka expensive purchases!) receipts. I don't keep ALL of my receipts in here. Staple the warranty and receipt to the front of the manual. (For us Amazon Prime folks who don't always get paper receipts, write down “Amazon”.