Power up camera (left thumb) Turn Main dial above power switch to the video camera icon. (last one) On the lens select AF (Auto Focus) On the lens select stabilizer OFF if you are on a tripod. ON if you are hand holding. If nobody has messed with the camera settings these should stay in place for AUTO. · I've started out in photography using a Canon 60D. I'm keen to explore shooting in manual mode so that I can alter the aperture, ISO, shutter speed and so on. However, I cannot find out which icon on my camera is used to shoot in manual mode! 'M' stands for manual exposure, so that's not what I want. 1. Press the button to turn the camera on. 2. Press the [ ] button. 3. 3. Press the [ ], [ ] buttons to choose [White Balance] (If the settings have not been changed, [ ] will be displayed), and then press the [ ] or [ ] button. 4. Press the [ ], [ ] buttons to .
[caption id="attachment_" align="aligncenter" width=""] Get into the second "Red" Menu and select "Custom White Balance"[/caption] After selecting "Custom White Balance" in the menu you will be prompted to select a photo. If you are following the steps I am laying out here, the last photo you took should be of your target. (See above.). Learn guitar chords for FREE through our new game Chord Master: www.doorway.ru://www.doorway.ru I've started out in photography using a Canon 60D. I'm keen to explore shooting in manual mode so that I can alter the aperture, ISO, shutter speed and so on. However, I cannot find out which icon on my camera is used to shoot in manual mode! 'M' stands for manual exposure, so that's not what I want.
26 de mar. de Anytime you're shooting in the same lighting conditions and want to apply the same white balance correction, just press the WB button or use the. 19 de jul. de They are slightly different of Canon and Nikon (if you use something else like Fuji, Pentax, Olympus, etc., check your manual for how to do this. The EOS 60D is a high-performance, digital single-lens reflex camera White balance. Q (Auto). Custom white balance. Canceled. Flash exposure.