· Click Start and type cmd at the Run box. The Windows Command Prompt will appear. If you are using Windows Vista, press the Windows and R keys at the same time. This will bring up the Run dialog box. Click OK. The following commands can be used with both utilities. Type regsvr32 /u www.doorway.ru Hit the Enter www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 3 mins. · Unregister a DLL using regsvrexe. For example, to manually unregister the www.doorway.ru ActiveX control, you would type the following at the command prompt: C:\Regsvrexe /u www.doorway.ru NOTE: This command-line assumes that Regsvrexe and www.doorway.ru are both in the root folder of drive C. The last solution is to manually download and replace regsvrexe file in appropriate folder on the disk. Select file version compatible with your operating system and click the "Download" button. Next, go to your web browser's "Downloaded" folder and copy the downloaded regsvrexe www.doorway.ruption: Microsoft (C) Register Server.
Because www.doorway.ru necessarily need the registered components I can check easiliy if the registration has been completed. BUT the problem is that in taskmanager you can see that there are still some regsvrexe processes running and these processes are 'sticking on www.doorway.ru files'. Regsvr32 /s MSMAPIOCX To implement this example in a Visual FoxPro application, use the RUN command as follows: RUN /N Regsvr32 /s MSMAPIOCX Note If an error occurs when registering a control, do the following: Verify in the Registry that the control has not been registered before. Verify that the following files are in the Windows\System directory: mfcdll oleprodll msvcrtdll. Unregister a DLL using regsvrexe. For example, to manually unregister the www.doorway.ru ActiveX control, you would type the following at the command prompt: C:\Regsvrexe /u www.doorway.ru NOTE: This command-line assumes that Regsvrexe and www.doorway.ru are both in the root folder of drive C.
16 thg 8, Regsvrexe is a tool in Windows that registers and unregisters DLL you may have to register the DLL file yourself manually via the. 15 To resolve this issue, run Regsvrexe from the opportunity to run the batch file as an Administrator, you may need to manually elevate. 13 thg 7, In this tutorial, you'll learn the many ways to install, uninstall, register, or unregister an OLE control with the regsvrexe utility. Table.