· If you're running Outlook like me, this is probably what you're looking for: "If you wish to manually run AutoArchive now, go to the File menu and select Info, click on Cleanup Tools, then Mailbox Cleanup and then click on the Auto Archive button.". Archive or delete old items Choose this option if you want to set or change the settings that follow. If this check box is cleared, AutoArchive runs using default settings. Show archive folder in folder list Select this check box to have the Archive folder listed with your other working folders in the Navigation Pane. · How to Turn On the AutoArchive Feature. For Outlook and later versions: Select the File tab, and then select the Options tab on the File menu. Select the Advanced tab. Select AutoArchive Settings. Select the AutoArchive Every check box. Type a number in the Days box to specify how frequently the AutoArchive process runs.
In Outlook , Auto Archive is not enabled by default. To turn it on: Click on the File tab to access Backstage View, then click on Options. The Outlook Options window opens then click on Advanced then the AutoArchive Settings button. The AutoArchive window opens and you’ll notice everything is grayed out. Check the box next to “Run. Please keep in mind that unlike Outlook AutoArchive, manual archiving is a one-time process, and you will need to repeat the below steps each time you want to move older items to archive. In Outlook , go to the File tab, and click Tools Clean up old items. In Outlook and Outlook , click File Cleanup Tool Archive. I know that archive backup is not supported on Outlook so I wrote this BAT file that I have scheduled to run daily that copies my PST file to a network share. The contents of that file are below. Note: This file was written for Windows 7. Backup Outlook www.doorway.ru @echo off: Exit Outlook if it is running taskkill /im outlook.*.
Microsoft Outlook Manually Removing Attachments from Items. Run AutoArchive every: Checking this box turns on AutoArchive. You can then choose. Nov Under Archive items older than, enter a date. Step 6 – Include Items with “Do Not Auto Archive” check box. Check the box Include items with “Do. How to use AutoArchive in Outlook to archive older items you want to keep.