You can think of the Springboard as an application (called that's always running. It's the graphical user interface (GUI) of iOS, meaning that it is the visual medium that guides you to everything else. Respringing is the process of restarting, so while it is being restarted, there's no visual display on the screen. With this new Pangu Jailbreak, manually installed deb apps from iFile won't show up until the Springboard is restarted. Restarting phone alone doesn't help. Currently I can only restart Springboard by uninstalling and reinstalling some other small . Luckily, there’s a little, free utility out there called “Respring.”. Once you download Respring to your home screen, it acts as a quick toggle to do a software restart of your iPhone. Whenever you click the icon, a quick screen pops up saying that your springboard is being restarted. That’s all there is to it!
With this new Pangu Jailbreak, manually installed deb apps from iFile won't show up until the Springboard is restarted. Restarting phone alone doesn't help. Currently I can only restart Springboard by uninstalling and reinstalling some other small app in Cydia which brings the restart button. First, open Sileo and enter "dragspring" in the search field, then tap on the tweak once it appears. Tap "Get," then either hit "Queue" or swipe up from the bottom to reveal the card in full and select "Confirm." Wait a moment for the tweak to install, then select "Restart Springboard" to wrap up installation. You can think of the Springboard as an application (called that's always running. It's the graphical user interface (GUI) of iOS, meaning that it is the visual medium that guides you to everything else. Respringing is the process of restarting, so while it is being restarted, there's no visual display on the screen.
5 oct Moreover, you will be able to restart or kill the springboard of the force restart your iPhone, and then you have to restart it manually. Add reboot, respring and safe mode options in "slide to power off" screen in iDevice and also allows you to run your iOS device in safe mode manually. Use the slider to turn the correct date back to December 1, manually set date and time on iphone 8. Way 3: Force Reboot iPhone 8/8 Plus.