• Trend Micro VSAPI NT Step 7: Delete the Officescan Program group in the Programs’ Start Menu Then restart the computer Go to \Program Files\Trend Micro . · Delete the Trend Micro OfficeScan Client program shortcut in Start Menu, by right click on it and then choose Delete. Delete the installed files located in the OfficeScan folder under the \Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client directory. Open the Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. Click Start → Programs, right-click Trend Micro OfficeScan Client, and click Delete.
Click Start → Programs, right-click Trend Micro OfficeScan Client, and click Delete. Trend Micro OfficeScan is normally deployed in corporate network environment to provide endpoint security. Administrators can remotely uninstall the Office Scan client, and user at the workstation can uninstall the client program using built-in uninstall mechanism too (i.e. Add and Remove Program in Control Panel). Right-click Trend Micro OfficeScan. Click Unpin from Start. On all other Windows platforms: Click Start Programs, right-click Trend Micro OfficeScan Agent, and click Delete. Open Registry Editor (www.doorway.ru). Warning: The next steps require you to delete registry keys.
1. On the Security Server, open the.\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\www.doorway.ru folder. 2. Open the www.doorway.ru file using a text editor like. May Get answers to your technical inquiries, share your ideas and interact with other members in the Trend Micro Forums for Apex One and Tipping. Jun Manually Uninstalling Trend Micro Officescan · 1. Delete the Trend Micro OfficeScan Client program shortcut in Start Menu, by right click on it.