How to remove mysql service manually

 · Next you can delete the data directory. Step 2. Run Command Prompt as Administrator and execute the following command to stop and remove MySQL service. Net stop MySQL. Sc delete MySQL. Step 3. Click on Start, type in Show hidden files and folders. Select the View tab and select Show hidden files and folders. Now explore the following locations.  · Install as a MySQL Windows service manually Remove/Uninstall MySQL as windows service. To uninstall the installed windows service from command prompt, execute this command e.g. prompt sc delete MySQLXY Above command will delete the windows service. It will not uninstall the MySQL from your system, only windows service gets deleted. NO HARM!!Reviews: 9. How to manually uninstall SQL Server. Applies to: All editions of Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft SQL Server R2, Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft SQL Server , and Microsoft SQL Server (Service Pack 2)" Go to Control Panel, Select "Uninstall a program" and.

How to Install/Uninstall/Execute MySQL as Windows Service Install MySQL as windows service. To install MySQL as a Windows service manually, execute this in a command line shell, Start MySQL as windows service. To Start the installed windows service from command prompt, execute this command e.g. How to Remove MySQL Completely from Linux System Step 1 – Uninstall MySQL Packages. First, uninstall all the MySQL packages installed on your server. Use one of the Step 2 – Romove MySQL Directory. Now we need to remove MySQL data directory from system which by default exists at Step 3 –. Using Autoruns from Windows Sysinternals Download Autoruns and run it From the Options tab, tick Hide Microsoft Entries so that only the third-party entries are listed. Press F5 to refresh the listing. Click the Services tab to delete the service (s) that are unwanted or leftover. Close Autoruns.

yum remove mysqllibs and try again. Besides, I saw you used a lot of repos: atomic, dag, epel, rpmforge, livna, , it may be the cause of conflicting. If you have installed multiple MySQL Servers manually, then you have to delete the MySQL Services manually from Registry. Building off of another answer, open a terminal (press Ctrl + Alt + T) and run the following: sudo -i service mysql stop killall -KILL mysql mysqld_safe.


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