· week digging rock-hard feces from now going to do is called a manual disimpaction. im going to manually remove the in the removal of the impaction.” How Do They Remove Impacted Feces mass and facilitate the removal of impacted stool. minutes, but only if remove it manually. · In these cases, manual disimpaction appears to reduce the possibility of fecal soiling. In this procedure, a single finger of a gloved hand is lubricated and inserted into the rectum of the patient. The stool is gently broken up and . Insert very carefully, and try to guide the finger around the blockage. Sometimes small pieces can be removed first, and then the major blockage can be removed. Keep your fingernails trimmed and short. Witch hazel is good to clean the area and keep it sanitary. Good luck! You have my sympathies. Helpful - 0.
The other answers are fine. Also, you could do as we nurses do when patients have hard stool stuck in the rectal vault, put on a rubber glove, vaseline on the finger, and work it out. In the long run I would consider dietary changes. Add more fiber and fruits to your diet. Enema for impacted stool: Using enema for impacted stool works by injecting liquids into the lower part of the colon through the rectum in order to release trapped stool and waste. This typically triggers one or more bowel movements, helping to flush out the trapped stool and waste. Manual removal If a laxative or a suppository doesn't unblock the feces from your colon, your doctor will remove the feces manually. To do this, they'll insert their gloved finger into your rectum and remove the blockage.
Treatment includes proximal or distal washout or manual extraction. Stool removal may be assisted by the use of an anal retractor (eg, Hill-Ferguson. Sometimes, if an enema alone doesn't do the trick, the stool must be broken up and removed by hand. Once the hard mass of stool is removed. Fecal impaction occurs when a hard, dry plug of stool becomes stuck in the rectum and cannot be This is known as manual disimpaction.