2- Press and hold the 'Back Up' button on the Sky box, not the Sky handset. 3- Keeping the 'Back Up' button pressed, re-connect the power. 4- Keep the 'Back Up' button pressed until the four LED lights illuminate on the front of the Sky box and the software update screen appears on the TV screen. 5- When the four LED lights disappear, the software upgrade has finished. I . · In this video I show you how to update the Sky+ HD Box System Software. Press and hold the backup button on your Sky box which will be located on the front p. · This videos shows you how to manually update the software on a Sky box Disconnect power2- Press and hold back up on Sky box3- Re-connect power Keep bac.
2- Press and hold the 'Back Up' button on the Sky box, not the Sky handset. 3- Keeping the 'Back Up' button pressed, re-connect the power. 4- Keep the 'Back Up' button pressed until the four LED lights illuminate on the front of the Sky box and the software update screen appears on the TV screen. 5- When the four LED lights disappear, the software upgrade has finished. I advise that after step 4 has been completed and the software update screen appears on the TV that the screen is. This videos shows you how to manually update the software on a Sky box Disconnect power2- Press and hold back up on Sky box3- Re-connect power Keep bac. If like many others the new sky theme hasn't arrived at your house yet or you just want to keep your sky box up to date here is how you manually update Sky b.
You need to update it manually if the box has been disconnected for a long time. Check Satellite Signal Before Updating Sky Q Software! Before. However your TV box will update its software automatically on a regular basis if it's connected to the internet. To receive automatic software updates. DTH users can now update their set-top box manually from home. Although many set-top boxes have auto-update features nowadays, you can still.