· sudo apt-get remove package_name. In the command above, replace package_name with the exact name of the app package that you want to uninstall. For instance, to uninstall VLC Media Player, which has the package name vlc, the command will be. sudo apt-get remove www.doorway.rus: 2. Installing programs using apt or Ubuntu Software in Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives will copy the binaries and configuration files to the intended locations. However, uninstalling with these tools will only remove the binaries, leaving the configuration and generated data files intact. You can also set apt to remove the configuration files in the /etc folder along with the data that Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. · Click Ubuntu and then the Uninstall; Then, you can uninstall Ubuntu WSL from Windows. But please note that this method doesn't work in earlier versions of Windows For example, prior to the Fall Creators Update. Here is a post talking about how to uninstall Ubuntu in detail. This post shows you how to remove Ubuntu dual boot and single boot.
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove [packagename] This will remove the package along with the configuration files and dependencies. For better understanding, you may refer to. Uninstalling Programs with Ubuntu Software 1. Open Ubuntu Software. Its app icon resembles an orange suitcase with a white "A" on it. Ubuntu Linux comes with this 2. Click the Installed tab. This computer-shaped tab is at the top of the Ubuntu Software window. 3. Find the program that you want. Method 2: Remove programs from Ubuntu using command line. You know that you can use apt-get install or apt install for installing applications. For uninstalling, you don’t use the apt-get uninstall command but apt-get remove or apt remove. All you need to do is to use the command in the following fashion: sudo apt remove program_name.
The reviews are in, and the just-released Ubuntu , i.e. "Jaunty Jackalope," rates as a slick, fully-formed Linux desktop. Looking to get started or upgrade your system? We're recommending 10 downloads for everyone to try. The reviews ar. If there’s a program lingering on your Windows “Add or Remove Programs” list that doesn’t belong, there are two easy tricks you and use to purge it from the list and tidy things up. Join , subscribers and get a daily digest of news, g. Ubuntu LTS features a new set of shiny color emoji. If you don’t want to see emoji in messaging apps, on the web, and elsewhere, you can remove them from your system. Join , subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivi.