· In case you need to delete a package but are unsure of its exact file name, you can use one of the following two commands: yum list- | grep [package_name] OR. rpm -qa | grep [package_name] The output will list all installed packages with the Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. You can use the yumremovecommand to remove an RPM package. To remove a package, open a terminal window, assume superuser privileges, and enter the command: yum remove package_name. Where package_nameis the name of the package that you would like to remove. Check Red Hat's documentation for the rpm command. Basically: rpm -Uvh package_www.doorway.ru installs/upgrades a package from www.doorway.ru file; rpm -e package_name removes a package; To install packages from Red Hat's repositories, use yum, whose commands are .
1) remove the package without running the scripts: rpm -e --noscripts postgresqlserver 2) reinstall the package to hopefully fix whatever was broken, because then the "preuninstall" will be passed 1 as an argument and the failing code will not run. yum reinstall postgresqlserver yum remove postgresqlserver. As this page of the RHEL6 Deployment Guide explains, you should only use rpm if absolutely necessary -- under normal circumstances, there's no reason to use the above-mentioned rpm commands to play with the package database; yum install package_www.doorway.ru and yum remove package_name will do just fine. Removing Individual Packages. To uninstall a particular package, as well as any packages that depend on it, run the following command as root: dnf remove package_name . As when you install multiple packages, you can remove several at once by adding more package names to the command.
4 ຕ.ລ. CentOS is an RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) distribution. Users rely on the RPM (Red-hat Package Manager) and YUM (The Yellowdog Updater. Many GNU/Linux distributions use the popular Redhat Package Manager (RPM) system of adding or removing programs. Almost all Linux users will. I've installed CentOS 5 on an old IBM ThinkPad. Everything went fine until I had to make the wireless network connection work. How can I rollback the RPM v3.