Lau. The link that you have provided is correct. If you already uninstall Office from the Control Panel, you can use the easy fix tool that you may found in the link that you provided. And the steps on the link will not remove your Office since the steps is only applies to Office only. · Hi In this video you know how to Remove Microsoft Office 10 after watch this video you will do it · They gave me the link below to manually uninstall office 64 bit and I thought I was in luck. I downloaded the instructions and got a large disappointment. The very first step, after you unhide the hidden files, is: Click StartAll Programs, and then open the Accessories folder.
Lau. The link that you have provided is correct. If you already uninstall Office from the Control Panel, you can use the easy fix tool that you may found in the link that you provided. And the steps on the link will not remove your Office since the steps is only applies to Office only. From the Uninstall Office products window, select the version of Office you want to uninstall, and then select Next. Follow the prompts on the remaining screens and when prompted, restart your computer. After you restart your computer, the uninstall tool automatically re-opens to complete the final step of the uninstall process. Highlight Microsoft Office entry in the list and then click Remove. Note: If there is any other old or redundant office entries such as Office or other Office standalone products such as Visio in the list, do highlight and remove them together. Quit the Windows Install Clean Up when cleanup process finished. Close all applications.
Hey Tom'sHardware, I once had Office Starter on my computer, so I manually removed the folders to remove the application. Normally, you'd remove Microsoft Office by going through Windows Programs and Features tool and using the Office un-installation utility. If removing Microsoft. Uninstall Windows product keys Do you need to move your Office suite to another computer? Office , Office , Office , or Office