Their is a small hole under the cd drive opening area Take a paper clip and put it in the hole don't push yet press eject push in th. · In this video i show you guys 4 different ways to open your Xbox 's disc tray if it is jammed and will not open on its own, like it should.I know this vid Missing: cd drive. · Straighten out a long paper clip and insert it into the hole, about an inch and a half. This should cause the tray to open a small amount. Using your hands, grab the front of the tray and open it Author: George Ash. to, Repair a Xbox, Repair a Xbox , Repair a Xbox Slim, Repair a PS1, Repair a PS2, Repair a PS3, Repair a Wii, Clea. A detailed tutorial video on How to open the Xbox Slim CD / DVD / Disk Drive tray without damaging your console and to fix the stuck sure you c. please help. I have followed the steps on trying to manually open my disc drive. I have no hole to the bottom right of disc drive and of the two on the left I only have the right hole. I have inserted paper clip which caused the disc drive to pop ever so slightly however I cannot pull it out. I am worried I will pull too hard and break it.
Sept If you have an original Xbox One, it'll be on the side of the console, right next to the disk eject button. You'll need to be looking at the. First, you need to use a paper clip or similar pointy thin thing to open the disc tray. DO NOT try to rip it open with your bare hands. Of course this will. Put the 5 tabs of the Xbox opening tool against the plastic clips grooves on the back of the console (plugs side), as indicated in the photos. Next, firmly.