My UNC path will be different for you: \\sam\autoinstall$\KBOX\; The "" script checks for normal pieces of KBOX and if not found installs KBOX. The script contents are included below: @echo off cls echo Please wait while KBOX is installed if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\KACE\KBOX\" (goto KBOXinstall). · 1. In a file manager browse to \\khostname\client\agent_provisioning\windows_platform and copy the Agent to the local machine. 2. Rename the agent (6.x in our example) from to include your host name. kbox. • Install the and other supporting files in the C:\Program Files\LANDESK\Shavlik Protect Agent directory • Install the certificates needed to communicate securely with the console • Acquire an agent license • Retrieve the assigned policy, the engine components and the data files and store them. The files are stored in the C:\ProgramData\LANDESK\Shavlik Missing: kbox.
The script is super easy. The first part is an uninstaller that will remove KACE Agent through 6.x. The next part of the script basically echos the name of your kbox server into The way to mount it would be: In Finder, click Go. Select " Connect to Server ". Type in the following (substituting the K name for KBOX): cifs://KBOX/client. My UNC path will be different for you: \\sam\autoinstall$\KBOX\; The "" script checks for normal pieces of KBOX and if not found installs KBOX. The script contents are included below: @echo off cls echo Please wait while KBOX is installed if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\KACE\KBOX\" (goto KBOXinstall).
9 de nov. de You should run agent setup manually the first time. After you get a feel for how agents work, or if you want to automate setting up many agents. 20 de mar. de We are setting up our KBox in an environment where our workstations have firewalls be easier to just manually install the kbox agent while we are there. 10 de set. de Select the I accept the terms of the 3rd Party Components License Agreements check box. Click Install. Installing Veeam Agent for Microsoft.