· How do you manually drain a Whirlpool Cabrio washer? Find the “Pause/Cancel” button on the control panel. Press this button twice to drain the washer. Press the “Power” button and rotate the cycle selection knob to “Drain and Spin” to remove the remaining water from the load. Screw on the two water hoses to the back of the Cabrio and insert the drain hose in the wall pipe. · Remove the pump motor and check it for trash or anything that may be stopping it up and causing it not to drain. Check the pump impeller and make sure its not wobbly. If your cabrio washer won’t drain after the steps above then remove the drain hose from the pump to the drain and make sure its clear also check your drain and make sure its draining properly, .
To drain a Whirlpool Cabrio washer, unplug the washing machine from the electrical outlet, disconnect the drain hoses and remove the drain pump. The Cabrio washer likely has a broken or clogged drain pump that is preventing it from draining. The following steps outline how to disconnect the drain hoses and drain pump on the Whirlpool Cabrio washer. Likewise, people ask, how do you manually drain a Whirlpool Cabrio washer? How to Drain a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer. Press "Pause/Cancel" twice on the control panel. Press "Power," and turn the cycle knob to "Drain Spin." Push "Start." The washing machine automatically unlocks when the water has drained. How do I manually drain my Whirlpool washer? If not, follow these steps: Step 1: Turn off the power and lay down towels. Step 2: Locate the drain hose at the back of the washing machine. Step 3: Drain the water. Step 1: Turn off the power and lay down towels. Step 2: Locate the drain hose. Step 3: Drain the water. Step 4: Scrub the filter.
Drain the water from your top-loading washer while you wait for repairs. If your washing machine breaks during the cycle, water will likely get trapped inside. 1 Apr This weekend my washer stoped in the middle of a rinse, drain spin cycle. I removed the clothes and drained the water with a shop vac via. 6 Apr Hello, My Whirlpool Cabrio will not drain, I have drained it manually so there are no blockages, I replaced the pump but realized that there is.