How to manually develop dental x-ray film

Many dentists who utilize manual processing, intentionally over expose patients and under process the radiograph in an attempt to save time resulting in radiographs that are inferior in diagnostic quality because of incomplete developing. When an X-ray film has been exposed, it must be processed in order to produce aFile Size: 77KB. The film should remain in the rinse water at least 20 seconds to remove the developing solution. Be sure to tilt the film rack to allow excess water to drain back in. (You do not want to dilute the fixing solution.) After removing the film from the rinse water (figure ) and draining, place it in the fixing solution (fixer). Without dental x-rays there is a potential risk of undiagnosed dental decay, infections, hereditary defects of both the soft and hard tissues, and other diseases. There are a few ways to develop x-rays; they include an automatic film processing, quick dip processing and manual processing/5(3).

Many dentists who utilize manual processing, intentionally over expose patients and under process the radiograph in an attempt to save time resulting in radiographs that are inferior in diagnostic quality because of incomplete developing. When an X-ray film has been exposed, it must be processed in order to produce a. Without dental x-rays there is a potential risk of undiagnosed dental decay, infections, hereditary defects of both the soft and hard tissues, and other diseases. There are a few ways to develop x-rays; they include an automatic film processing, quick dip processing and manual processing. The film should remain in the rinse water at least 20 seconds to remove the developing solution. Be sure to tilt the film rack to allow excess water to drain back in. (You do not want to dilute the fixing solution.) After removing the film from the rinse water (figure ) and draining, place it in the fixing solution (fixer).

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