You may need to manually remove the program from the Add/Remove Programs list if you uninstall a program and the registry key that is used to display the program name is not removed correctly: Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER. Locate and click the following. · Within the the Tools section, select “Uninstall” and then from the list of programs select the program you wish to remove the entry for. Select the “Delete” button. Delete, as opposed to “Uninstall”, will simply remove the entry from the program list and will not attempt to remove any installed software or bits left behind after a manual Jason Fitzpatrick. · Step 1: Using Control Panel. Using the control panel is the easiest way we usually take to uninstall program, click the start button and choose control panel, then go to. “Programs and Features”, then select the program name and click on Uninstall button.
In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. In Add/Remove Programs, verify that the program for which you deleted the registry key is not listed. If the program list is not correct in Add/Remove Programs, you can double-click the file on your desktop to restore the original list of programs in the registry. 3. Go to You can use the run program in the start menu. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/c\/c5\/Delete-a-Program-Completely-by-Modifying-the-Registry-%28Windows%StepVersionjpg\/vpx-Delete-a-Program-Completely-by-Modifying-the-Registry-%28Windows%StepVersionjpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/c5\/Delete-a-Program-Completely-by-Modifying-the-Registry-%28Windows%StepVersion Method 1: Manually Remove Software Leftover Files After Uninstall. Step 1: Use Control Panel to Uninstall a Program. Step 2: Delete the Remaining Files and Folders. Although you have succeeded in uninstalling your app, some fragments of the file may remain in some Step 3: Remove App Keys from.
This problem happened when a registry entry wasn't correctly removed during the uninstall. Also, you might be able to protect an app from being uninstalled. (My Windows folder has 82, files in it). As for registry optimization go for it with programs for this, but doing it manually is not recommended. The only. Things left behind are folders, temp files, icons, registry entries, and more. If you want to uninstall all traces of a program completely.