· How do you manually close the sunroof of an X5 ? My motor seems to not be spinning. It seems to have a shortage. 1 Answer. I took apart the control console for the sunroof to get to the motor yet its too hard to turn. · I am having a hard time finding any information on manually closing your sunshade on the x3 model panoramic sunroofs. I currently can only tilt the sunroof open and close. I have tried resetting by holding it for 30 seconds and letting it cycle, takes more like 25 seconds to start the cycle and it will only tilt and do a semi close then open again. · 1, Answers. Re: How to close sunroof panel for BMW x3. 1. Remove the panel above your centre rear view mirror. (this is described in your cars owner manual) 2. When your rear sunroof is open, in the oppening gap you can see the control carriage. There is one Left and Right. 3.
Slowly turning the motor will assist the door into a normal track position. Retract the sunroof back to its normal position manually. Start your car, and try the switch again. If your roof does not open and close, its most likely the motor or relay. Hope this helps!~. the cover will separate in the middle exposing about a inch mesh, then tilts the sunroof open. to close, push the button forward again. also, if you are above a certain speed (can't remember what it is off hand) with the sunroof open or tilted, it will close automatically, then perform the neat trick on its own to keep air coming in. Demonstrating how to open and close the sunroof and a BMW www.doorway.ru X3 Hacks and Instructions Playlist- www.doorway.ru?v=AHyyfd0T4vklist=PLUH1.
The BMW name, marks, M stripe logo, and Roundel logo as well as X3, X5 and X6 designations used in the pages of this Web Site are the property. How to manually close sunroof on BMW ? got the sun roof opened the other day after not used in more than two - BMW 3 Series question. 4 shk I've noticed that on sunroofs, if they're in the vent position and you use the one touch to close them, the sunroof always goes past the.