Start the BSoD with the NotMyFault utility. There are free third-party utilities that allow you to manually trigger a blue screen with an error, such as StartBlueScreen (does not seem to work on recent versions of Windows) or NotMyFault, available from Microsoft Sysinternals at / sysinternals / downloads / notmyfault. · How to Trigger a Manual BSOD in Windows Now that you've properly set up the BSOD, it's time to trigger one. To do this, you need to hold down two keys that you probably don't remember ever using: Right CTRL and Scroll Lock. Author: Simon Batt. How To Manually Initiate a Windows Stop Error (BSOD) and Create a Dump File. 1. Click Start and type Regedit. On the Start menu, right-click Regedit and click Run As Administrator. Respond to the User Account Control (UAC) 2. In the Registry Editor, navigate to.
How to cause a BSOD manually. Now that you have configured how to cause a BSOD, it is time to activate it. For this, you have to hold down two keys on the keyboard that you probably don’t use much (at least together): the right CTRL key and Scroll Lock. How To Manually Initiate a Windows Stop Error (BSOD) and Create a Dump File. 1. Click Start and type Regedit. On the Start menu, right-click Regedit and click Run As Administrator. Respond to the User Account Control (UAC) 2. In the Registry Editor, navigate to. How to Force a Blue Screen in Windows Method 1 Method 1 of 3: Editing the Registry. Save your work. Forcing a Blue Screen on your computer will cause you to Method 2 Method 2 of 3: Task Manager. Save your work. Forcing a Blue Screen on your computer will cause you to lose any Method 3 Method 3.
StartBlueScreen v - Initiate a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. 3 nov A BSoD is the common name for a windows kernel panic/fault, and the underlying causes are a process running in kernel mode triggers an. How do I find out what caused BSOD? How do I check the BSOD log? When Windows OS crashes (Blue Screen of Death or BSOD) it dumps all the memory.