How to manually auto archive in outlook 2010

 · If you're running Outlook like me, this is probably what you're looking for: "If you wish to manually run AutoArchive now, go to the File menu and select Info, click on Cleanup Tools, then Mailbox Cleanup and then click on the Auto Archive button.".  · Change AutoArchive Settings For Single Outlook Folders. 4. In Outlook, look in the left-side navigation pane. From there, right-click any folder and select Properties to set its AutoArchive.  · Open Outlook and click Tools Options. In the Options dialog window, go to the Other tab, and click the AutoArchive button. Author: Svetlana Cheusheva.

In Outlook Auto Archive is not enabled by default. To turn it on, click on the File tab to access Backstage View, then click on Options. The Outlook Options window opens then click on Advanced then the AutoArchive Settings button. The AutoArchive window opens and you’ll notice everything is grayed out. And then, configure a few more settings: Under Archive items older than, enter a date specifying how old an item has to be before it can be move to the archive. Click the Browse button if you want to change the default location of the archive file. If you want to archive items that are excluded from. Here we will be discussing the Manual Archive feature of Microsoft Outlook Archiving Manually: Step 1: Click on the “ File ” menu in the upper left side of Outlook. How to archive in Outlook manually (email, calendar, tasks and other folders) In Outlook, go to the File tab, and click Tools Clean up old items.

t a fan of the automatic feature, you can still make use of Archiving by using the manual process. How-To Manually Archive Items. 6. In Outlook?Click the?File >. Dec Get rid of old emails manually or automatically this article apply to Outlook for Microsoft and Outlook , , , and Archive items in Outlook manually. Outlook for Office , Outlook , Outlook , Outlook , Outlook , Outlook Your Outlook mailbox is.


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