This guide is required reading for the facility operator, maintenance technician, training coordinator, and manager: those who must have the necessary tools and information to create OM manuals that are clear, concise, and written at the level of the staff involved in the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the by: 2. Operations Maintenance Manual. Version Date VERSION HISTORY [Provide information on how the development and distribution of the Operations Maintenance Manual was controlled and tracked. Use the table below to provide the version number, the author implementing the version, the date of the version, the name of the person Author: HHS EPLC Team. Operation and Maintenance Manual Checklist The following checklist was developed by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation as a template for creating an OM manual for affordable housing projects. Use it as a guide for collecting OM information and for filling out the Operation and Maintenance Manual Checklist for your own Size: 44KB.
Select FilePropertiesCustom and fill in the Last Modified, Status, and Version fields with the appropriate information for this document. After you click OK to close the dialog box, update the fields throughout the document with these values by selecting EditSelect All (or Ctrl-A) and pressing F9. Operation and Maintenance Manual Template Start from a cover page with project name, address photo and other details like system name and volume number etc. Start each section from new page. To make sure that doesn’t happen, your employees can look back at the operations manual to double-check processes, emergency procedures, etc. Why Would You Need an Operations Manual: Top 3 Benefits Since you’re reading this article, chances are, you already know why you need an operations manual.
2 thg 3, Good operation and maintenance can make a difference. Water agency benefits. • A reliable water supply encourages users to pay for their. 15 3. Installation. This section shall describe and illustrate the work necessary to install the equipment and make it completely operable. The. What is an operation and maintenance manual? · A description of the systems installed together with drawings. · Information for safe, efficient and correct.