Install manually (McAfee ePO On-Premises) You can install the agent manually on client systems using installation packages. See also Install manually on page 29 Install on non-Windows operating systems manually on page 36 Install the agent in managed mode on Ubuntu systems on page 37 Installation overview Methods of installing the agent 1. · You can download the framepackage from Mcafee EPO console, Go to System Tree Actions from EPO console New Systems select radio button Create and download agent installation package click on Okay, and save the file which can be installed on Remote systems. please be noted that network level access should also be in placeEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins. · The install script ( for the McAfee Agent for Macintosh is in the following directory on the McAfee ePO server: C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\Software\Current\EPOAGENTLYNX\Install\ Instructions for manual installation of the Agent are located in the McAfee Agent Product Guide.
The McAfee Agent is the distributed component of McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) responsible for deploying McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) and keeping. · Installing the DLP Agent for Windows manually Run CMD as Administrator (local administrator) and navigate to unzipped agent installation package. Install manually (McAfee ePO On-Premises) You can install the agent manually on client systems using installation packages. See also Install manually on page 29 Install on non-Windows operating systems manually on page 36 Install the agent in managed mode on Ubuntu systems on page 37 Installation overview Methods of installing the agent 1. The install script ( for the McAfee Agent for Macintosh is in the following directory on the McAfee ePO server: C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\Software\Current\EPOAGENTLYNX\Install\ Instructions for manual installation of the Agent are located in the McAfee Agent Product Guide.
г. You can however manually install the McAfee Agent and then force it to comply with your anti-virus policies or client tasks. This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal Installing the license for Solidcore, or McAfee Application Control. Installing or upgrading OfficeScan removes the McAfee ePO agent in the client machine. Updated: 30 Dec Product/Version: OfficeScan