The Pump Technique. Another technique of self-manual lymph drainage is the pump technique. During this technique, the hand is placed at an angle to the skin. The fingers then stretch the skin, with the thumb on one side of the limb, and the fingers on the other. The wrist then lowers to move the skin in a . · How to perform lymphatic massage on the legs. Perform lymphatic massage of the upper body before beginning with the legs. Follow the three stages of clearing in the supraclavicular area, the Use light pressure. If you can feel the muscles underneath your Author: Elea Carey. · A few pointers to keep in mind: Your goal is to have your hands stick to the skin so you can stretch it, so do not use any lotion to perform this work, and working on bare skin is ideal. These strokes should be performed about every seconds, aiming for strokes in each www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins.
A few pointers to keep in mind: Your goal is to have your hands stick to the skin so you can stretch it, so do not use any lotion to perform this work, and working on bare skin is ideal. These strokes should be performed about every seconds, aiming for strokes in each position. Starts and ends with deep diaphragmatic breathing. The unaffected lymph nodes and region of the body are treated first. Moves proximal to distal to drain the affected areas. Slow and rhythmical movements. Uses gentle pressure. The video below gives a very brief explanation of Manual Lymphatic Drainage. YouTube. Manual lymphatic drainage is one of the most effective massage techniques to help rid the skin of toxins and reveal its natural glow. Learn more about this p.
Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a very special type of massage designed to stimulate the lymphatic system. The hand movements and sequences are adapted for each. There are several different techniques for MLD. They are all similar, but use different massage movements. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage is a technique used to boost the movement of lymph fluid in the body. It's a soft and mild skin-stretching massage.